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    9:00 - 18:00
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  • Monday - Friday
    9:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday - Sunday
    10:00 - 14:00
Private Hepatitis A Testing in London Walk-in Appointments Available

Visit Sexual Health Clinic London for confidential testing to ensure your well-being and health. We offer private and accurate Hepatitis A testing in London for your peace of mind.

Online Booking
  • Pricing from: £58
  • Sample: Blood
  • Turnaround Time: 24 hours
  • Packages

Private Hepatitis A Testing in London

Hepatitis A is a contagious liver infection resulting from Hepatitis A virus. It is usually transmitted from ingesting contaminated water or food and can significantly affect your health. Understanding Hepatitis A and how you can get itis the first step to prevention, and we are dedicated to educating you about this contagious infection. We also offer testing services.

When do I need the Hepatitis A test?

Knowing when to undergo a Hepatitis A test is important for your well-being and health. If you recently travelled to a region known for high Hepatitis A incidence, testing is necessary. You may also need a Hepatitis A test if you had direct contact with someone diagnosed with the virus for your peace of mind or to start treatment.

Symptoms such as jaundice, which indicates liver issues, may also indicate the need for testing. If you are entering a new sexual relationship, testing is a responsible step to ensure your health and your partner's health. Sexual Health Clinic London provides comprehensive and discreet testing if you are in any of these situations.

Why is Hepatitis A testing important?

Early Hepatitis A detection can preventthe spread of the virus and result in better health outcomes. Testing is essential, especially for people with a higher risk, because it allows timely treatment and making lifestyle changes to reduce liver damage.


  • Procedure for the test

No special preparation, including fasting, is necessary for a Hepatitis A test. Ensure you are well-hydrated when you visit the clinic, and come with an identification form and any important medical history.

  • During testing

Our experienced professional will collect a small blood sample. We prioritise your comfort and always ensure the environment is sterile and professional.

  • Results

Results, which we communicate to patients confidentially, are usually available in a few days. Depending on your results, we offer comprehensive support, including medical advice and counselling.

Our STI testing packages



Test for








Syphilis and HIV I/II antibodies

Gonorrhoea and chlamydia


Blood – 24 hours

At 28 days post-exposure


£325 -men

£375 – women

Herpes, HIV I/II antibodies, and Syphilis

Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Gardnerella, Ureaplasma, Trichomoniasis and Mycoplasma

Additional swabs for women to screen for Bacteria Vaginosis and Candida

Blood – 24 hrs

Urine – 3 days

Swab – 3 days

At 28 days post-exposure


£475 – men

£490 – women

Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C, HIV I/II Antibodies

Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Gardnerella, Ureaplasma, Trichomoniasis, Herpes IGM and Mycoplasma

Additional swabs for women screening for Gardnerella, Ureaplasma, Trichomoniasis, Bacteria Vaginosis and Candida

Blood – 24 hrs

Urine – 3 days

Swab – 3 days

At 28 days post-exposure and conclusive at 90 days after exposure


£625 – men

£665 – women

Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C, HIV I/II Antibodies

Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Gardnerella, Ureaplasma, Trichomoniasis, Herpes IGM and Mycoplasma

Additional swabs for women screening for Gardnerella, Ureaplasma, Trichomoniasis, Bacteria Vaginosis and Candida

Blood – 24 hrs

Urine – 3 days

HPV swab – 2 days

Swab – 3 days

At 28 days post-exposure and conclusive at 90 days after exposure

Our Platinum Screen and Gold package cover the same STD tests, but the Platinum Screen has additional human papillomavirus (HPV) swabs, including 16, 18, and high-risk types.

Fast STD Screen Results – in 24 working hours

Fast STD Screens Results – in 24 working hours

  • Price - £450
  • Blood and urine or swab sample - HIV I/II, Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, Syphilis IgM/IgG, Hepatitis C antibodies, Hepatitis C antigen, Hepatitis B

Call Sexual Health Clinic London today or email us to schedule an appointment for your Hepatitis A test. You can also visit our clinic for testing if you experience symptoms of Hepatitis A.


Common symptoms of Hepatitis A include nausea, jaundice, abdominal pain, and fatigue. These symptoms can develop quickly, which makes timely testing important.

How does it spread?

Hepatitis A spreads mainly through the faecal-oral route or by consuming contaminated water or food. Safe food practices and personal hygiene can help prevent Hepatitis A.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hepatitis A test checks for antibodies the body produces in response to the Hepatitis A virus. The antibodies can indicate a past or active infection.

The tests for Hepatitis A are highly accurate and can check if you have antibodies even before symptoms occur. However, ensure you discuss with your healthcare provider the possible factors that can affect the accuracy of your results.

Fasting or changing your diet before a Hepatitis A test isn't necessary. However, ensure you are well-hydrated to make the blood draw easier.

If your Hepatitis A test is positive, follow your healthcare provider's instructions, including rest, avoiding alcohol, and proper nutrition. Hygiene measures and vaccination can help prevent the spread of Hepatitis B virus.

An effective Hepatitis A vaccine is available and recommended for travellers to certain countries, people who want preventive healthcare, and those with specific health conditions. The Hepatitis B vaccine is administered in two shots, six months apart.

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