  • Monday - Friday
    9:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday - Sunday
    10:00 - 14:00
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  • Monday - Friday
    9:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday - Sunday
    10:00 - 14:00
Where You Can Get Tested for Hepatitis C?
Where You Can Get Tested for Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is a viral illness that damages the liver if left untreated and may result in significant health issues. An estimated 71 million people worldwide suffer...

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What is Usually the First Sign Of HIV?
What is Usually the First Sign Of HIV?

Early HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) symptoms are critical for timely diagnosis and effective treatment of the infection. When symptoms such as fever and fatigue are detected early on, people...

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Is It Normal for Vaginal Odour to Change with a STD?
Is It Normal for Vaginal Odour to Change with a STD?

Vaginal fishy odour accompanied with a white, yellow, or greenish discharge, is usually an indication of an infection. Therefore, identifying the cause...

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Are there any asymptomatic STDs?
Are there any asymptomatic STDs?

Globally, sexually transmitted infections (STDs) pose a severe threat to public health. Sexual contact is the primary way that these infections are spread and if treatment is not received...

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How do different STDs affect your vaginal discharge?
How do different STDs affect your vaginal discharge?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a global health concern, affecting millions of people each year. These infections are primarily transmitted through...

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Can You Get Chlamydia in Your Mouth?
Can You Get Chlamydia in Your Mouth?

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) due to the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. It is amongst the most prevalent STIs affecting millions of people in a year. Chlamydia can spread...

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Everything You Need To Know About HPV?
Everything You Need To Know About HPV?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted infection that affects millions of people worldwide. It is important to understand HPV and its implications...

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HIV Testing: Types, Frequency, Expectations and Results Explained
HIV Testing: Types, Frequency, Expectations and Results Explained

Undergoing an HIV test can determine if you have the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), a type of sexually transmitted infection (STI) that weakens the body's ability...

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Syphilis Unveiled: CDC Comprehensive Fact Sheet
Syphilis Unveiled: CDC Comprehensive Fact Sheet

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease or STD which occur due to bacterium Treponema pallidum. Taking antibiotics may treat this infection but leaving it untreated...

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How Sexuality Changes with Old Age and What to Do for It
How Sexuality Changes with Old Age and What to Do for It

Sexual senescence is about natural changes in the sexual behavior and function due to age. Our bodies begin certain transformations that may affect...

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Take Care of Your Sexual Health: 12 Benefits to Know
Take Care of Your Sexual Health: 12 Benefits to Know

Sexual health has a vital role in improving your overall condition. You need to see a provider to conduct necessary tests and stay away from different STDs.

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Gonorrhoea: Know the Symptoms in Men and Women
Gonorrhoea: Know the Symptoms in Men and Women

Do you know gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused from bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae? This kind of infection occurs in the penis, external...

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STDs: Surprising Ways to Catch them without Sex
STDs: Surprising Ways to Catch them without Sex

Sexually transmitted diseases or STDs can pass or spread during sexual activities such as anal, oral or vaginal sex. But some STDs may transmit with sharing...

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What is the Relation between STDs and HIV Coinfection?
What is the Relation between STDs and HIV Coinfection?

You must be aware that your unhealthy lifestyle and wrong living conditions are the reasons for health diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are always...

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Signs When You Need Private Hepatitis-C Testing for Women
Signs When You Need Private Hepatitis-C Testing for Women

Nowadays, there are various viral infections worldwide and among them, Hepatitis C is the most common one. A good percentage of people suffer from Hepatitis C. There are..

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Syphilis in Women: Know the Signs and Symptoms
Syphilis in Women: Know the Signs and Symptoms

Syphilis is among the most common sexually transmitted infections or STIs these days. Though it generally affects men more frequently, women are also not immune.

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Testing and Treatment for Syphilis in Women
Testing and Treatment for Syphilis in Women

Syphilis is a common STI which is spread via sexual contact. It’s important that you see a doctor for screening if you think you might have this infection...

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Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Men and Women
Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Men and Women

This blog post discusses about how to recognise common STIs, what they look like and how they can spread from one person to another....

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The Importance of having STI Testing on A Routine Basis
The Importance of having STI Testing on A Routine Basis

Are you aware that one in five people will get a sexually transmitted disease? Many people are not even aware they have caught a sexually transmitted disease until....

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The Key Ways to Recognise Chlamydia Symptoms in Men
The Key Ways to Recognise Chlamydia Symptoms in Men

Chlamydia Trachomatis, a bacterial organism, causes a sexually transmitted infection, or STI, that can lead to health issues in both men and women.

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Herpes Simplex – Myths and Facts
Herpes Simplex – Myths and Facts

Herpes is a common STI caused by the herpes simplex virus. Although this infection is prevalent, many people do not know they have herpes, and there are different....

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Why are HIV and STD Tests Important?
Why are HIV and STD Tests Important?

HIV and STD tests are important, and they have several benefits, including preventing the widespread of STDs, aiding early diagnosis and treatment.

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12 Preventable Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
12 Preventable Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

You need to understand the workings of infectious diseases so that protecting yourself and your family becomes easy. See....

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Testing for STIs is Important for Improved Sexual Health
Testing for STIs is Important for Improved Sexual Health

Every sexually active person needs to be screened for sexually transmitted diseases regularly. It is critical to prevent...

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How do you know if you have HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)?
How do you know if you have HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)?

Understanding some early signs and symptoms of HIV and the risk factors that increases your chances of contracting....

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Gonorrhoea: Causes and Risk Factors
Gonorrhoea: Causes and Risk Factors

Gonorrhoea is one of the most common STD (sexually transmitted disease), also called sexually transmitted infections (STI). It results from a bacterial infection....

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Why Everyone Should Know About Asymptomatic STDs
Why Everyone Should Know About Asymptomatic STDs

This is a silent killer! Sexually transmitted diseases have become so common due to the prevalence of infectious diseases ...

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Same-Day STD Test - What to Expect and How to Prepare
Same-Day STD Test - What to Expect and How to Prepare

Same-day STD testing is vital because it helps people immediately know whether they are infected or not. You can get same-day STD test and result for the most common STDs ...

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Treatment for Different STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease)
Treatment for Different STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease)

If detected on time, you can manage and easily treat most STDs to avoid further health problems. Here are common STDs ...

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How Long until Chlamydia is Detected
How Long until Chlamydia is Detected

Chlamydia is one of the infections transmitted to healthy persons via sexual intercourse with an infected person. As an STI, it can be contracted via vaginal, anal, or oral sex ...

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6 Suitable Ways to Stay Protected from Sexually Transmitted Diseases
6 Suitable Ways to Stay Protected from Sexually Transmitted Diseases

If you have a sexually transmitted disease, it is very important to see a doctor and get tested and treated. This can help avoid further...

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Common Misconceptions about Sexually Transmitted Infections
Common Misconceptions about Sexually Transmitted Infections

If you have had sexually transmitted infection, it is important to get yourself tested soon. This will enable to enjoy having...

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Different Types of STIs to Test and Stay Protected
Different Types of STIs to Test and Stay Protected

If you have any sexually transmitted infections, it is important to get tested on time. This can prevent further complications...

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Where You Can Get Tested for Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is a viral illness that damages the li...

What is Usually the First Sign Of HIV?

Early HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) symptoms ...

Is It Normal for Vaginal Odour to Change with a STD?

Vaginal fishy odour accompanied with a white, yell...

Are there any asymptomatic STDs?

Globally, sexually transmitted infections (STDs) p...

How do different STDs affect your vaginal discharge?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a global ...

Can You Get Chlamydia in Your Mouth?

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection (STI...

Everything You Need To Know About HPV?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually tr...

HIV Testing: Types, Frequency, Expectations and Results Explained

Undergoing an HIV test can determine if you have t...

Syphilis Unveiled: CDC Comprehensive Fact Sheet

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease or STD ...

How Sexuality Changes with Old Age and What to Do for It

Sexual senescence is about natural changes in the ...

Take Care of Your Sexual Health: 12 Benefits to Know

Sexual health has a vital role in improving your o...

Gonorrhoea: Know the Symptoms in Men and Women

Do you know gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted in...

STDs: Surprising Ways to Catch them without Sex

Sexually transmitted diseases or STDs can pass or ...

What is the Relation between STDs and HIV Coinfection?

You must be aware that your unhealthy lifestyle an...

Signs When You Need Private Hepatitis-C Testing for Women

Nowadays, there are various viral infections world...

Syphilis in Women: Know the Signs and Symptoms

Syphilis is among the most common sexually transmi...

Find Us

Our Sexual Health Clinic is located on Harley Street in the heart of London.
We are only a 5 minutes walk from Regents Park station, 10 minutes from Great Portland Street and 15 minutes from Oxford Circus.

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