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Different Types of STIs to Test and Stay Protected
Different Types of STIs to Test and Stay Protected

Different Types of STIs to Test and Stay Protected

Sexually transmitted infection or STI is a kind of bacterial or viral infection that generally spreadsdue to sexual intercourse and activities with your partner.Any sexually transmitted infection should be diagnosed early so that its symptoms can be treated in order to avoid long-term complications.

Some conditions that fall under the category of STIs are the following: 

Bacterial Vaginosis is quite common and occurs when bacterial balance in your vagina gets disturbed. This will usually trigger normal vaginal discharge to change to a greyish and fishy smelling. However, half of women with bacterial vaginosis do not show any symptoms.

Generally, the vagina protect itself against this infection, but a small amount of what is known as bad bacteria could cause this infection. In case of BV, bad bacteria begin to overwhelm good bacteria that can cause inflammation, inside the vagina, and may cause a fishy smelling discharge.

There isn’t any evidence that a woman with BV may spread on this infection to her male partner at the time of intercourse. However,women who have had sex with other women might not consider it to be true. BV is concerning when it develops in pregnant women due to increased risk of complications in pregnancy leading to a premature birth or a miscarriage. Bacterial vaginosis may also increase the risk of getting other STIs and it can be diagnosed with a urine sample.


Chlamydia is a common STI that may spread easily during sexual intercourse. Most people do not have any symptoms and won’t even realize they have been infected.Chlamydia may lead to a burning sensation at the time of urination in women, and there may be some discharge from the vagina. There might be some pain in your lower abdomen during or after sex and bleeding after or during sex. Bleeding may also be experienced in between your periods and the periods might become heavy.

For men, chlamydia might be the reason for burning feeling or pain and there may be cloudy or watery discharge from the penis tip with some pain or tenderness in your testicles. Chlamydia infection may take placein the throat or in the rectum in the eyes. It can bediagnosed through a urine test or a swab taken from the affected area. Treatment is done with antibiotics, but health problems may occur in the infection is not treated.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes occurs from herpes simplex virus or HSV that causes common cold sore.The symptoms of genital herpes usually develop within a few days after the infection. There can be small and painful sores or blisters that may lead to itching or tangling that make urination painful.

After the infection, this virus may stay inactive for a long time. Certain triggers usually reactivate this virus and then the blisters seem to develop again though they are smaller and there will be less painful than the original outbreak. The testing for HSV is easy even though you have its symptoms. There is no remedy for genital herpes, but the symptoms can be controlled by taking antiviral medication.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a kind of virus that can be passed on at the time of sexual contact or by sharing needles. It particularly attack the liver and. may spread on from a mother to a newly born child and the virus may be the reason for short term or acute infection with or without symptoms.

After an acute infection, there can be some development of aninfection known as chronic hepatitis. Many people with this severe condition will remain fit as they are carriers and may pass on the infection to others. Some sufferers will have serious liver complications. If necessary, antiviral medicine can lessen or avoid severity of liver inflammation and this may prevent serious liver damage. Hepatitis B can be diagnosed with a blood test.

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C can attack your liver and such cases are found in people who seem to have shared contaminated needles while injecting drugs. There is some risk that the infected person may pass on this type of virus at the time of intercourse. Some people get rid of this infection naturally without undergoing any treatment but if infection is there for many years, cirrhosisor severe scarring of liver and cancer of liver may develop. The treatment is complicated but it can clear infection in most cases. Hepatitis C can be diagnosed easily through a blood test.


Though it is life threatening, it can be passed on at the time of enjoying sex or sharing needles. This type of STD requires full management for the entire life.


This is a bacterial STI that can be spread easily at the time of sexual intercourse.Nearly a good percentage of women get infected but men usually may not experience any symptoms so, they won’t know of being infected.In case of infected women, gonorrhoea might be the reason for some kind of burning sensation at the time of urine, pain or often-watery yellow or green vaginal discharge. You may haveslight pain in your low abdomen during or after intercourseand there can be bleeding too after or during sex. This can also be between the menstrual cyclethat may lead to heavy periods.

For the infected men, gonorrhoea might lead to a burning sensation or pain at the time of urination and a green, white or yellow discharge from the penis tip and tenderness or pain in their testes.Gonorrhoea infection may take place in therectum in the eyes or in the throat. It can be diagnosed easily through a swab taken from the affected area or a urine test. The treatment is done by taking antibiotics, however there can be health problems for a long term when the infection is not treated properly.


Mycoplasmagenitalium is a sexually transmitted bacterium that may show certain symptoms in men as well as women. Along with Chlamydia and gonorrhoea, it may be the major reason of urethral inflammation in men. However, for women, this can lead to an inflamed cervix or cervicitis while the infection can be diagnosed through a urine sample.


This is a type of bacterial infection that can cause infectious sore at its early stage. It usually appearson your genitals or around the mouth area. The sores are meant to last for almost six weeks before they may get resolved. There might be secondary symptoms such as a flu-like feeling, a rash or patchy hair loss which may get resolved within a few weeks.

The later stage appears after several years of this infection and may cause serious health problems such as – paralysis, heart problems and blindness. Some symptoms of syphilis are usually hard to detect and conducting a blood test will diagnose its symptoms at the earliest. The treatment can be done with antibiotics or injection of penicillin. If it is treated properly, the later stages of syphilis can be avoided greatly.

Trichomonas vaginalis

An STI caused by a tiny parasite (TV) is called Trichomonas vaginalis. It may spread easily at the time of sexualintercourseand mostly those infected with it, will not realise they already have the infection. This infection in women might be the reason for frothy watery-yellow vaginal discharge that smells foul and there may be some soreness and itching in the area around the vagina and pain at the time of urination.

However, it does notcause symptoms in infected men and there might be some burning or pain when you urinate. TV can be diagnosed with a urine test or swab testing and the treatment can be done by taking antibiotics.


Affecting about 70% of women and men who are sexually active, Ureaplasmaurealyticum is a bacterium that can be transmitted easily at the time of sexual contact. Ureaplasma is usually symptomless and many people do not experience any kind of problem. Colonies of the bacteria may multiply and its symptoms will appear. If left untreated, there can be severe complications. So, ureaplasma is usually diagnosed with urine sample.

You may want to visit a private sexual health clinic in London where the doctor will conduct necessary tests to detect if you have any STDs. This way, he can provide you with the right treatment on time so that you can stay protected from further diseases and infections.

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