  • Monday - Friday
    9:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday - Sunday
    10:00 - 14:00
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  • Monday - Friday
    9:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday - Sunday
    10:00 - 14:00
Syphilis Testing Walk-in Appointments Available

Sexual Health Clinic London offers a comprehensive and confidential Syphilis testing service.

Our clinic is situated in the heart of London’s Harley St.

We offer private, discreet, and confidential results and address all your sexual health needs quickly with confidence and in a comfortable setting.

Syphilis is a commonly sexually transmitted infection (STI).  Left untreated it can lead to serious health complications and affect other organs of the body including the brain, heart and nervous system and can lead to death if untreated long term.

Online Booking
  • Pricing £74
  • Sample: Blood
  • Turnaround Time: 24 hours


Syphilis is a bacterial infection. Usually transmitted through sexual contact, but can also be passed from mother to baby during pregnancy and/or childbirth.

Syphilis progresses into different stages:

  • Primary: 2-3 weeks
  • Secondary 6-12 weeks
  • Early latent: Asymptomatic of 2 yrs or longer.
  • Tertiary - Late symptomatic.

When should I get a Syphilis test?

If you recently had unprotected sex or believe you have been infected with someone infected or have unusual persistent symptoms.

We advise regular testing if you are sexually active with multiple partners or starting a new relationship as Syphilis may be asymptomatic and your risk of infection or re-infection is possible, or risk passing it on to others.

Why is syphilis testing important?

Early detection and treatment can cure the infection. If left untreated, it may progress to a more severe stage.

Syphilis is highly contagious, so timely testing and treatment can prevent it from progressing into more serious health problems and spreading to others.


  • Preparing for the test

    Having an open and honest conversation with the healthcare professional about your sexual history is essential. This information will aid in determining the most appropriate testing and treatment, if necessary.

    We also provide a post-test counseling service. This will highlight whether further testing or treatment is needed and guidance for managing your condition

    You will be given the necessary support throughout the testing process and upon receipt of the result be given an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

  • During the test

    Testing usually involves a taking a small sample of blood. This process is relatively straightforward and quick, and our healthcare professional will ensure you are kept comfortable.

  • Results

    Results should be available within a few days and are kept confidential.

    If you test positive for Syphilis, our healthcare professional team will discuss necessary treatments options and offer advice, guidance and the care necessary for your wellbeing.


Symptoms vary depending on the stage of the infection.

Early symptoms may include:

  1. Fever
  2. Unexplained sores.
  3. Rashes.

As the infection progresses, it can result in more severe symptoms that affect multiple organs including the brain, heart and the nervous system.

How does it spread?

Syphilis spreads mainly through oral, vaginal, and oral sexual contact.

It can also transfer from an infected pregnant mother to the baby during childbirth or pregnancy.  Understanding how Syphilis is contracted can help you take the necessary preventive measures.

Our STI testing packages

Our Platinum Screen and Gold package cover the same STD tests, but the Platinum Screen has additional human papillomavirus (HPV) swabs, including 16, 18, and high-risk types.


Prices £250
Tests for
  • Syphilis, HIV I/II Antibodies
  • Turnaround: Bloods- 24 hours

Accurate at 28 days

Tests for
  • Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea
  • Turnaround: Bloods- 24 hours

Accurate at 28 days


Prices £325 Men icon £375 Women icon
Tests for
  • Herpes I&II, Syphilis, HIV I/II Antibodies
  • Turnaround: Bloods- 24 hours

Accurate at 28 days post contact

Tests for
  • Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Mycoplasma, Trichomoniasis, Ureaplasma, Gardnerella
  • Turnaround: Urine- 3 Days

Accurate at 28 days post contact

Tests for
  • Additional Bacterial Swab for Women; screening for Candida and Bacterial Vaginosis
  • Turnaround: Swab – 3 days

Accurate at 28 days post contact

Gold Screen

Prices £475 Men icon £490 Women icon
Tests for
  • Syphilis, HIV I/II Antibodies, Hepatitis B & C
  • Turnaround: Bloods- 24 hours

Accurate at 28 days and conclusive at 90 days post contact

Tests for
  • Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Mycoplasma, Trichomoniasis, Ureaplasma, Gardnerella, Herpes I&II
  • Turnaround: Urine- 3 Days

Accurate at 28 days and conclusive at 90 days post contact

Tests for
  • Additional Swab for Women; screening for Candida, BV, Fungi, Trichomoniasis, Ureaplasma and Gardnerella
  • Turnaround: Swab – 3 days

Accurate at 28 days and conclusive at 90 days post contact

Platinum Screen

Prices £625 Men icon £665 Women icon
Tests for
  • Syphilis, HIV I/II Antibodies, Hepatitis B & C

The same STD screenings are included in the Platinum Screen as our Gold Package, however with an Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Swab including 16, 18 and High Risk types.

  • Turnaround: Bloods- 24 hours

Accurate at 28 days and conclusive at 90 days post contact

Tests for
  • Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Mycoplasma, Trichomoniasis, Ureaplasma, Gardnerella, Herpes I&II

The same STD screenings are included in the Platinum Screen as our Gold Package, however with an Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Swab including 16, 18 and High Risk types.

  • Turnaround: Urine – 3 Days

Accurate at 28 days and conclusive at 90 days post contact

Tests for
  • Additional Swab for Women; screening for Candida, BV, Fungi, Trichomoniasis, Ureaplasma and Gardnerella

The same STD screenings are included in the Platinum Screen as our Gold Package, however with an Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Swab including 16, 18 and High Risk types.

  • Turnaround: Swab – 3 days HPV Swab – 2 days

Accurate at 28 days and conclusive at 90 days post contact

Fast STD Screens Results - In 24 Working Hours

Prices £350.00
Tests for
  • HIV I&II
  • Syphilis IgM/IgG
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhoea

Fast STD Screens Results - In 24 Working Hours

Prices £450.00
Tests for
  • HIV I&II
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C Antibodies
  • Hepatitis C Antigen
  • Syphilis IgM/IgG

If you are in London and need a Syphilis test for your peace of mind or because you experience certain symptoms, contact Sexual Health Clinic London for your test or visit our clinic for a ‘Walk-In’ appointment.

(Other private and confidential tests are available at Sexual Health Clinic London.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Syphilis is curable with antibiotics if detected and treated in the early stages.

Regular Syphilis testing is advisable if you are sexually active, especially if you have unprotected sexual relationships with multiple partners or a new sexual partner.

No vaccine is currently available to prevent Syphilis but regular testing and safe sexual practices are the best protection against this infection.

Yes. We provide treatment at the clinic whether you have been diagnosed via our service, or somewhere else if you are simply looking for treatment.

(A counseling service is also available for your wellbeing and future health concerns with our doctor. Please book for an appointment.)

Find Us

Our Sexual Health Clinic is located on Harley Street in the heart of London.
We are only a 5 minutes walk from Regents Park station, 10 minutes from Great Portland Street and 15 minutes from Oxford Circus.

Call Now Book a Consultation